L*OSMONAUTA is itself a journey of self-discovery. Starting from our foundation—knowledge and curiosity as essential elements—we’ve evolved our vision of this project over the years, striving to make it increasingly one that offers new perspectives and encourages adopting new viewpoints. This year, we decided to include interviews with individuals who share a common thread: the impact their thinking has in their respective fields. We don’t consider impact merely quantitatively, but especially in its potential to stimulate thinking. Some articles may already be dated due to L*OSMONAUTA’s nature. Imagine them as a connect-the-dots game in which you’re free to explore different connections. The four interviews you’ll find this year are meant to provide additional insights and, in some cases, perspectives that might help you connect these dots in new and different ways. We hope this applies not only to the dots you’ll find in L*OSMONAUTA but to all those you’ll encounter in the future. We enthusiastically welcome these new travel companions, thanking them for helping spark new reflections and inspirations in us—and hopefully in you too. Beyond these interviews, you’ll find a few articles accompanied by our perspective on why we find them interesting. Not with the intent that this becomes your interpretation, but to make more intelligible the reasons that led us to select all the others, giving you hints of how the studio’s internal culture has dynamically and collaboratively generated this body of knowledge over the last 12 months. We believe that value doesn’t always lie in the content itself, but in the process that led us to consider it relevant at a certain moment and context. Happy exploring and discovering.